MEMBERS of a litter-picking group in St Andrews have been hailed as community heroes for helping to keep the area tidy. The parish council gave out its first Community Hero Award to recognise one group s outstanding contribution to this part of North Swindon. Councillors presented the honour to representatives of The Ridge Wombles at Redhouse Community Centre. The volunteers dedicate their time to ensuring The Ridge is kept litter-free. With helpers as young as two and as old as 70-plus, as well as students from the parish s schools who include the activity as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Addressing Kids Mental Health Post-Pandemic Will Take Time, Says MGH Child Psychiatrist
Between remote learning, isolation from friends, and a steady stream of difficult news, life in the pandemic has been especially hard for many children. Jeanne Blake, the president of Blake Works whose firm developed a new digital series called The Pandemic and Kids Mental Health, says she has heard a consistent message of loss, isolation and despair this year from kids.
Blake and Dr. Paula Rauch, a psychiatrist at the Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, joined Jim Braude on
Greater Boston to discuss the challenges facing kids during re-opening, especially younger children, and how parents can help them build resilience.