Secretary of State Connie Lawson announced Monday she plans to resign her office in coming weeks once Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb has settled on a successor.
Silverton’s sixth town administrator in seven years resigns
Durango, Colorado Currently Fri 1% chance of precipitation
Departure highlights divide in town, some residents say
Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021 11:16 AM Silverton’s sixth town administrator in seven years has resigned. The exact reason for his departure has not been made public, but some speculate it has to do with a divide in the community about future growth, including an expansion of Kendall Mountain. Jerry McBride/Durango Herald file
Silverton’s sixth town administrator in seven years resigns Silverton’s sixth town administrator in seven years has resigned. The exact reason for his departure has not been made public, but some speculate it has to do with a divide in the community about future growth, including an expansion of Kendall Mountain.
Farmer and rancher delegates to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 102nd Annual Convention today adopted policies to guide the organization’s work in 2021. Key topics ranged from farm diversity to farm labor and dairy policy…
HENDERSON — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is going to be celebrated once again locally soon, through a virtual event orchestrated by groups at Vance-Granville Community College and in the