Four Czech senators undertake sole official honoring of the memory of Jan Palach, who set himself on fire 52 years ago to protest the Soviet occupation
17.1.2021 9:19
Jan Palach was the Charles University student who set himself on fire on 16 January 1969 to protest the end of the Prague Spring after the August 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops. A copy of his death mask is now the centerpiece of the Jan Palach memorial on Charles University s Faculty of Arts building on Jan Palach Square in Prague. (Collage:
Czech Senator Miloš Vystrčil, who presides over the upper house, said yesterday that when the student Jan Palach set himself on fire on Wenceslas Sqaure in Prague 52 years ago, it was an unprecedented act in defense of freedom and an effort to lead the nation out of its unfree condition. Palach undertook his demonstration in January 1969 as an attempt to arouse people from the lethargy into which Czechoslovak society had fallen
MEP Peter Pollák, a Romani community member from Slovakia, posts footage of his vaccination against COVID-19 to combat conspiracy theories influencing the community
30.12.2020 16:33
Romani community member and MEP Peter Pollák was vaccinated against COVID-19 in Slovakia on 29 December 2020. (PHOTO: Facebook page of Peter Pollák)
Peter Pollák (
OĽaNO), a current MEP and former Slovak Government Plenipotentiary for Romani Communities, was vaccinated against COVID-19 on Tuesday at the Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Košice. He told the TASR wire service that he wants to convince the Romani community in Slovakia that undergoing vaccination is the only way the world will eventually defeat the novel coronavirus.
Czech MP publishes collage comparing vaccinations against COVID-19 to the Holocaust and using imagery of the gate at Auschwitz
15.1.2021 8:34
The collage published on 10 January 2021 by Czech MP Lubomír Volný.
The abuse of the memory of Holocaust victims as part of rejecting vaccination against COVID-19 is continuing in the Czech Republic. After several demonstrators against the vaccination rollout wore yellow Jewish stars to public events inscribed with the term Unvaccinated , Czech MP Lubomír Volný (Jednotní), who was initially elected to the Chamber of Deputies on the list of Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) party, has published a distasteful collage in which the message of the sign that hung over the Auschwitz concentration camp, Arbeit macht frei , has been changed to read Vaccine macht Frei .
COMMENTARY: Romale, Bill Gates does not want to track you, vaccinations against COVID-19 will not kill you and do not involve microchips
14.1.2021 12:04
Facts and myths about COVID-19. (Collage:
I have always believed disinformation is the domain of Bolsheviks, demented people, and fascists, but what is happening around COVID-19 and disinformation today is on the verge of mass informational insanity. People are believing the urban legends on social media that Bill Gates allegedly wants to inject humanity with microchips so he can control them, or that vaccinations are allegedly killing people, or that public figures are allegedly staging their own vaccinations against COVID-19 because allegedly no needles can be seen in the photographs or video footage of them.
Czech churches condemn those wearing yellow Stars of David at anti-vaxxer events, call on them to apologize
12.1.2021 8:43
Several dozen people assembled on 8 January 2020 on Wenceslas Square in Prague for a protest march. Those attending wanted to express support for outgoing US President Donald Trump and to commemorate the recent death of former Slovak Police President Milan Lučanský. The demonstrators also demanded an end to the Czech Government s measures against the novel coronavirus. (PHOTO: Petr Zewlakk Vrabec)
Representatives of churches in the Czech Republic have condemned the wearing of Jewish stars at events by those opposed to vaccination. The wearing of the yellow six-pointed stars, which were used by the Nazis during the Second World War to label Jewish inhabitants, is considered by the churches to be an abuse of the symbol and an example of cynicism.