“Voice,” which first premiered in 2017, has solidified its spot as a top Korean thriller drama with four seasons. Following the recent conclusion of “Voice 4,” the show’s latest season, writer Ma Jin Won sat down for an interview to discuss her thoughts on the fourth season and the series as a whole. “Voice” tells the
Brian Seibert, The New York Times
Published: 25 May 2021 12:19 PM BdST
Updated: 25 May 2021 12:19 PM BdST In an undated image provided by Inni Singh, Rama Vaidyanathan, performing in Delhi (with Humayan’s Tomb in the background). The World Music Institute’s Dancing the Gods festival is online this year. The New York Times In an undated image provided by Lynne Fernandez, Surupa Sen, performing at the Nrityagram dance colony. The World Music Institute’s Dancing the Gods festival is online this year. The New York Times
Since 2011, the World Music Institute’s Dancing the Gods festival has consistently delivered high-quality Indian dance to New York. Last year, like so much else, it was cancelled. This year, like so much else, it’s virtual which means that another stage experience is being mediated by cameras, with all the attendant possibilities and pitfalls.
It’s not your typical K-drama, but it’s certain to get you hooked! Why don’t you indulge yourself in some passionate boys’ romance? We’ve rounded up some quality Korean BL dramas that you can binge-watch immediately. Read on to find the perfect BL drama for you!
Yeon Woo (Yoo Jun), a boy with neurological blindness, sees the world in tones of gray. That is, until the day he meets Yoo Han (Hur Hyun Jun). Whenever Yoo Han walks into the room, Yeon Woo finds himself seeing explosions of colors that he has never experienced before. But before Yeon Woo and Yoo Han can figure out what this means, they are faced with yet another problem: the search for Yeon Woo’s mother. As they dig deeper into the untold stories surrounding her disappearance, the pair begins to unravel the irresistible pull they have for each other. Will they find Yeon Woo’s mother and perhaps even love at the end of this tunnel?