Madeline Clark, the daughter of former Daily Mail journalist Harry Procter, tells the story of the night her father and a group of other Fleet Street journalists managed to gatecrash Prince Philip’s stag night.
If my dad, Harry Procter, were alive today, I have no doubt he would be relishing the opportunity to re-tell the story of how he managed to “gatecrash” Prince Philip’s private stag party while working as a Daily Mail reporter in the 1940s.
The private party, the night before Prince Philip’s marriage to the then future queen, was supposed to be a secret affair. But the news was leaked, and Fleet Street’s finest – including my dad and Daily Mail photographer George Elam – were rushed across to the Dorchester Hotel. Frustratingly, they weren’t allowed a step further than the entrance lobby.
Princess Elizabeth is to wed Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten.
The court circular, issued by Buckingham Palace, last night revealed that the King and Queen had gladly given their consent to the union which will see the 21-year-old Princess wed Philip, son of the late Prince Andrew of Greece and Princess Alice of Battenberg.
The marriage date has not yet been fixed. It will likely be during the coming months in Westminster Abbey.
The look of love: Princess Elizabeth is to wed Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten (pictured together)
Lieut. Mountbatten drove into Buckingham Palace just after six o clock last night to dine with the King, while the Princess went out to a dinner party and later went dancing.