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Inching toward completion, traffic calming measures in the Glen Allan neighbourhood have at least come in under budget.
There is, however, one project remaining to finish in the Glen Allan traffic calming project. Estimated to cost $1.75-million in 2015 when the initiative was launched by the county, a project update during the Jan. 26 Priorities Committee outlined the price tag will be less than $1.5 million, even with the final piece to complete.
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Try refreshing your browser. Reduced speeds in Glen Allan could funnel into other Park neighbourhoods Back to video
The area had a bad rep when it came to motorists who were shortcutting through the neighbourhood, as well as speeding, but with the installation of speed bumps and reducing the speed limit to 40 km/h, the Transportation, Planning and Engineering (TPE) told council the situation has improved and drivers are now mainly self-governing.