After city staff found no one living in the Haven of Mercyâs annex, a Johnson City board scrapped a scheduled hearing on Thursday that would have decided if there was enough evidence to declare the building unfit for human occupation.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Will Righter and another staff member visited the homeless shelter on Thursday to do an inspection and did not find any residents living in the annex.
During a meeting of the Johnson City Board of Dwelling Standards and Review on Thursday, staff recommended that board members pull a scheduled show-cause hearing from their agenda.
A show-cause hearing serves as an opportunity for the board to hear city staff present evidence about why a structure is not suitable for human habitation. If board members find there is enough proof that a building does not meet minimum housing standards, they can schedule a public hearing for a later date.
So long as the homeless shelterâs owner takes steps necessary to prevent an electrical fire from breaking out, Johnson City will not reissue an order to disconnect power at the Haven of Mercy.
Johnson City Development Services Director Preston Mitchell said the cityâs chief building official, Jeff Canon, ordered electricity shut off last Friday after a licensed electrician, who the shelter hired to replace an electrical panel in the buildingâs annex, noticed that the panelâs main breaker was burnt. The city learned about the issues on Thursday afternoon.
The burns on the main breaker, Mitchell said, created a serious electrical hazard at the shelter. Additionally, plans had not been submitted to the city and permits had not been issued for the work.
Although the proposal has garnered opposition from some nearby residents, Johnson City commissioners will decide this week whether to rezone a series of parcels in and around the Mountain Home neighborhood.
On Thursday, commissioners will vote on third and final reading whether to rezone 10 parcels from a mixture of R-4 (medium-density residential) and I-2 (heavy industrial) to R-2 (low-density residential), B-3 (supporting central business) and MX-1 (mixed-use neighborhood).
Five plots would change to MX-1, which allows small-scale goods and services. The changes would remove outdated industrial zoning on city-owned property near Founders Park and create the potential for infill growth and reinvestment in and around the neighborhood.