AHPI director general Girdhar Gyani said the association is trying to procure J&J jabs through an authorised private agency in India from the European Union s quota for lower and middle income countries.
Medium and small-sized hospitals have got together under the AHPI umbrella to procure vaccines on better terms from manufacturers
The Association of Healthcare Providers India (AHPI) has initiated the process of procuring Johnson and Johnson’s (J&J) single dose Covid-19 vaccine from the European Union Covid-19 task force. The association, which represents medium and small hospitals, expects to get one million doses.
AHPI director general Girdhar Gyani said the association is trying to procure J&J jabs through an authorised private agency in India from the European Union s quota for lower and middle income countries.
The FDA said Friday that it would allow 10 million doses of Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine made in a troubled Baltimore plant to be distributed but ordered that an additional 60 million doses must be discarded because of possible contamination.