Celebrate Armed Forces Day with this story from an Air Force veteran
In today s Neighbors column, Bob Lind shares former North Dakotan John Mertes Air Force jump experience as sent in by his sister. Written By: Bob Lind | ×
“Stand in the door!’ shouts the jumpmaster.
“I shuffle my way to the door, static line clenched in my sweaty fist, and enter the stream of rushing air as it passes between the open doors.”
Thus begins the story of his Air Force jump experience as written by
John Mertes and which was sent to “Neighbors” by his sister,
Jane (Mertes) Priebe, Wahpeton, N.D., after he died last fall in Mesa, Ariz., at the age of 64.
2021 marks the 18th year of volunteers removing European beachgrass at Big Dune nan-ts’vn (mountain in Tolowa Dee-ni’) in Tolowa Dunes State Park, where state parks staff recruited Donna Thompson,