The operators of three Forsyth County distilleries say they are relieved that the federal government will no longer impose user fees on manufacturers of hand sanitizer.
During statewide bar shutdowns at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, some Cincinnati-area distilleries switched from alcohol production to making hand sanitizer.
A federal appeals court has ruled against hospital groups in their legal challenge to the CMS regulation that would require hospitals to make pricing information publicly available. The rule is set to take effect Jan. 1.
Posted By Nina Rangel on Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 1:56 PM click image Pexels / Mario Diaz The federal government has released its first-ever set of dietary guidelines for infants and kids under the age of 2, recommending against any added sugars in their diets. U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services released the guidelines Tuesday, which suggest breast milk for at least the first six months of a child s life and no added sugar for those under 2. Depending on how strictly parents want to adhere to expert recommendations, that may put a kibosh on candy, cake and ice cream for a toddler s second birthday. Womp.
New U.S. Diet Guide Emphasizes Balance Through Life
Dec. 29, 2020 The new federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans were released Tuesday, offering advice on what to eat by life stage, including information on babies from birth to age 2 for the first time since 1985.
Released by the U.S. departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services, the guidelines are designed to represent the government’s advice for the next 5 years. While an expert panel convened to help develop the guidelines recommended that they call for limiting added sugar and alcohol, federal officials chose not to include those suggestions. Make every bite count is the theme of the ninth edition of the guidelines, which have been issued every 5 years since 1980. Publication is mandated by the National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act of 1990. The guidelines are used to develop, put in place, and evaluate federal food, nutrition, and health policies, as well as to help people eat a healthy di