Posted: Feb 02, 2021 10:30 AM ET | Last Updated: February 2
Andrew McPhail, TEXTiles.(Andrew McPhail)
Contains strong language.
Embroidered in glimmering ruby and gold, the bedsheet exclaims, i m fucked. Another, pink and blocky against a wildflower pattern, reads, SICK & TIRED, while a third this one a pillow just frets: uh oh. Artist Andrew McPhail calms his anxious, angry feelings by writing them, a thousand sequins at a time.
In his long-running
TEXTiles series, the Hamilton-based artist applies these sentiments over used bed dressings rendered in a meticulous hand with scads of the tiny, sparkling embellishments. The largest examples, sewn across king-sized sheets, include more than 10,000 sequins and take a month or two to complete. In the series five-year span, McPhail has produced well over 100