The 38-year-old Raj, who is in her 22nd year of international cricket, made her debut for India in June 1999 when the Indian men s team was still led by Mohammed Azharuddin and had just a few days before her debut exited the 1999 World Cup in the Super Six stage.
Kate Winslet has hailed Jodie Foster as her Hollywood icon
11 Mar, 2021 04:23 AM
3 minutes to read
Kate Winslet told Vogue magazine that Jodie Foster is her idol and she is so authentically herself . Photo / Getty Images
Kate Winslet told Vogue magazine that Jodie Foster is her idol and she is so authentically herself . Photo / Getty Images
BANG! Showbiz
Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, Amanda Seyfried and Priyanka Chopra Jonas have shared their secret idols and celebrity crushes in a frank chat for an upcoming Hollywood issue of Vogue Magazine.
When Winslet was put on the spot about her favourite people, The Titanic star didn t hesitate.