Jun 4, 2021
Varsha Balakrishnan
Both vegan and vegetarian diets are considered to be quite nutritious
While vegetarian diets have been around for centuries now, the health benefits of turning vegan have been talked about a lot in recent years.But is one healthier than the other? Let s compare
What is vegetarianism?
Vegetarianism refers to the diet where you forgo meat, poultry products, and fish.Some forms of animal products, including dairy, are accepted.Vegetarian diets can be of several kinds, and be practised for ethical as well as health purposes.
What is veganism?
Veganism can be referred to as the stricter form of vegetarianism.A vegan also avoids any form of exploitation of food, animal cruelty.Therefore, animal produce, flesh, dairy, eggs, gelatin, honey, whey are all avoided.