No, not my thing. 67%, 4 votes 4 votes 67%
Yes, I have. 17%, 1 vote 1 vote 17%
No, but I want to someday. 17%, 1 vote 1 vote 17%
Total Votes: 6
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No, not my thing. 67%, 4 votes 4 votes 67%
Yes, I have. 17%, 1 vote 1 vote 17%
No, but I want to someday. 17%, 1 vote 1 vote 17%
Total Votes: 6
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IFJ 22 December 2020
Media employees’ health is directly proportional to the success of media
At a time when the media is already under pressure from the ongoing financial crisis in Pakistan, Covid-19 pandemic intensifies the difficulties and worries to journalists and media workers in Pakistan, writes Lubna Naqvi. A health worker takes a COVID-19 sample from a journalist during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown. Credit: Banaras Khan/AFP
With the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic underway in Pakistan, many media workers are bracing for more infections and more issues. At a time when the media is already under pressure from the ongoing financial crisis, this second wave will cause many more difficulties for media employees.