SRINAGAR: The 6th May order of Srinagar deputy commissioner has created furor among the relatives of the Covid -19 patients resulting the infight over the oxygen cylinders outside the Shri Maharaja Hari Singh (SMHS) hospital since last two days .
The private bodies and NGOs too have created furor over the DC’s order of stopping the supply of oxygen to them in the event of exigency. However, officials dismiss the argument and said that there were reports of private individuals selling the oxygen cylinders in black market at very high cost.
However, principal Srinagar Medical college Dr Saima Rashid ruled out any shortage of medical oxygen in the valley and in the hospitals in particular.
Dr Samia Appointed As Principal GMC Srinagar
Professor Dr Saima Rashid. Pic Courtesy: Internet
An Order Number 374-JK (HME) of 2021 Dated 06-05-2021 to this effect, states that “…Dr. Samia Rashid, Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, Government Medical College, Srinagar, as Principal, Government Medical College, Srinagar, in pay level-15 (182200-224100) with effect from 01.03.2020.”