Mussel farmers intend to diversify with scallop farm
BAR HARBOR – With one aquaculture lease application still in limbo due to the pandemic, Acadia Aqua Farms has submitted a second application to the Maine Department of Resources for a 68-acre site in Frenchman Bay.
The company proposes a suspended gear operation for farming scallops 4,000 feet from shore and 2,700 feet northeast of Sunken Ledge. A scoping session is scheduled for 5 p.m. Jan. 29 via Zoom.
A scoping session is a meeting where applicants explain their tentative proposals to members of the public, who can provide feedback prior to submission of a final application. Once a final application is submitted, a public hearing is scheduled.
Scallop scoping session scheduled for Jan. 29
BAR HARBOR With one lease application still in limbo due to the pandemic, Acadia Aqua Farms has submitted a second application for a 68-acre site in Frenchman Bay.
A scoping session for what is proposed as a suspended gear operation for farming scallops 4,000 feet from shore and 2,700 feet northeast of Sunken Ledge is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 29 at 5 p.m. on Zoom.
A scoping session is a meeting where applicants explain their tentative proposal to members of the public who can provide feedback prior to submission of a final application. Once a final application is submitted, a public hearing is scheduled.