LORD ASHCROFT: Those who know Sir Keir Starmer well often speak of his decency, integrity, intellect and reluctance to give too much away about himself.
Jenni Murray questions why the former Ms Carrie Symonds took her husband s name. The UK-based columnist took her first husband s name, Murray, in the 1970s.
Last modified on Mon 10 May 2021 06.56 EDT
As historian, biographer and documentary film-maker, Cate Haste, who has died aged 75 of lung cancer, explored remarkable lives and how people relate to each other, both historically and personally.
For Jeremy Isaacs’s 24-part series Cold War (1998) for BBC Two/CNN, covering the period from 1945 to 1991, she made five episodes. They told of how fear was mobilised both in the west and in eastern Europe, life behind the iron curtain, how the Berlin Wall was built, and in 1989 how it came down. Filming took her to the US, where President George HW Bush was a contributor, and to Prague, with Václav Havel, to recount how the Prague spring thaw in the Soviet bloc was crushed by invading tanks in 1968.
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betting odds
We frequently get this wrong. A brief explanation: long odds (eg 100-1 against, normally expressed as 100-1) mean something unlikely; shorter odds (eg 10-1) still mean it’s unlikely, but less unlikely; odds on (eg 2-1 on, sometimes expressed as 1-2) means it is likely, so if you were betting £2 you would win only £1 plus the stake.
Take care using the phrase “odds on”: if Labour is quoted by bookmakers at 3-1 to win a byelection, and the odds are cut to 2-1, it is wrong to say “the odds on Labour to win were cut last night” – in fact, the odds against Labour to win have been cut (the shorter the price, the more likely something is expected to happen).