Lockdown books
Jillian Godsil
The aftermath of the global financial crash of 2008 uncovered some unpalatable facts. First, it showed how national governments were hellbent on bailing out the private banks with public money. At the same time the little man was totally ignored and left to his own devices; to sink or swim with the former being the more likely. And thirdly Bitcoin, an antidote to our financial demise, was born. All three elements are inextricably linked.
Since the 1970s the world has moved in a different orbit where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the middle class do not exist anymore. The moral compass once reserved for nations’ charter was not only bent out of kilter, the entire contraption was chucked out the window. A new narrative claimed that greed was good, people not succeeding were lazy and everyone was on the take.