Ñublense se impuso en penales y avanza a cuartos de Copa Chile
En un partido caliente, polémico y de mucho roce, Ñublense finalmente se impuso sobre O´Higgins en el Estadio El Teniente y lograron sellar su clasificación para cuartos de final. Ahora, si quieren llegar a semifinal deberán derrotar a Everton en la siguiente fase.
Un intenso partido se vivió en la sexta región, donde los árbitros tomaron un gran protagonismo al haber varias jugadas polémicas y decisiones poco prolijas. Con dos goles de penal durante el partido, finalmente Ñublense derrotó por 2(3)-2(2) a O´Higgins en un encuentro donde no pudieron sacarse ventaja en los 90 minutos y tuvieron que llegar a la desafiante tanda de 12 pasos.
Something to read - May 16
Last updated 5/15/2021 at 5:38pm
Title: New Mexico Food Trails: A Road Tripper s Guide to Hot Chile, Cold Brews and Classic Dishes from the Land of Enchantment
Author: Carolyn Graham
Summary: The book covers New Mexico native Graham s exploration of the state s culture and cuisine. Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Las Cruces get most of the ink, but there are references to Tucumcari and Portales eateries. The book is the fifth in the Southwest Adventure Series.
Information: unmpress.com
Best Of New Mexico Cuisine In Food & Travel Guide
UNMP News:
ALBUQUERQUE In New Mexico Food Trails: A Road Tripper’s Guide to Hot Chile, Cold Brews, and Classic Dishes from the Land of Enchantment, Carolyn Graham leads readers on a journey across New Mexico to sample the state’s best breakfast burritos, diners, green chile cheeseburgers, red and green chile, margaritas, craft beer, wine, and desserts.
Graham provides a brief history of New Mexico’s unique cuisine and then dives into restaurant profiles, suggesting what to order, when to visit, and what savvy foodies can expect at each location.
1 Small Hot Chile Pepper
1 Large Red Bell Pepper, Chopped
1/4 Cup Fresh Chopped Garlic
1 Small Chopped Onion
6 Cups of Chicken Broth
1 tsp Dried Thyme
1 tsp Dry Basil
Directions: Place the bacon in a sauté pan and cook to a crisp. Add the peppers, garlic and onion and lightly cook. Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the peas are tender, stirring occasionally. Cook for about two hours. Season with salt and pepper.