Detailed earthquake information - overview map, magnitude, time, depth, source, shake map, list of reports. File an "I felt it" report if you felt the quake! Features interactive map, read user reports and get links to further info.
3 Feb 19:10: Now using data updates from USGS
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3 Feb 19:11: Hypocenter depth recalculated from 47.6 to 49.3 km (from 30 to 31 mi).
3 Feb 19:15: Hypocenter depth recalculated from 49.3 to 49.8 km (from 31 to 31 mi).
3 Feb 19:16: Hypocenter depth recalculated from 49.8 to 49.7 km (from 31 to 31 mi).
3 Feb 19:19: Hypocenter depth recalculated from 49.7 to 49.3 km (from 31 to 31 mi).
3 Feb 19:49: Magnitude recalculated from 3.7 to 3.6. Hypocenter depth recalculated from 49.3 to 56.4 km (from 31 to 35 mi). Epicenter location corrected by 1.3 km (0.8 mi) towards N.
Update Wed, 3 Feb 2021, 19:15
Small magnitude 3.7 earthquake 11 miles southeast of Susitna North, Alaska, United States
3.7 quake 3 Feb 10:06 am (GMT -9)
A moderately shallow magnitude 3.7 earthquake was reported in the morning near Susitna North, Matanuska-Susitna County, Alaska, USA.
If you felt this quake (or if you were near the epicenter),
if you did NOT feel the quake although you were in the area, please report it! Your contribution is valuable also to earthquake science and earthquake hazard analysis and mitigation efforts. You can use your device location or the map to indicate where you were during the earthquake. Thank you!
8 weeks ago
Lat / Lng: 62.98 / -150.6: Matanuska-Susitna County, Alaska, USA
Source: EMSC -
Detail info ;storedMarkers.push([ quake-6078253 ,62.98000,-150.60000, 29 Jan 2021 17:08 GMT: Mag 2.5, Matanuska-Susitna County, Alaska, USA ,html, quakes-4-24.png ,14,14,7,7,123]);
Data for the same earthquake reported by different agencies
Detailed earthquake information - overview map, magnitude, time, depth, source, shake map, list of reports. File an "I felt it" report if you felt the quake! Features interactive map, read user reports and get links to further info.
If you felt this quake (or if you were near the epicenter),
if you did NOT feel the quake although you were in the area, please report it! Your contribution is valuable also to earthquake science and earthquake hazard analysis and mitigation efforts. You can use your device location or the map to indicate where you were during the earthquake. Thank you!
12 weeks ago
Lat / Lng: 61.4211 / -149.9667: Matanuska-Susitna County, Alaska, USA
Source: USGS -
Detail info ;storedMarkers.push([ quake-6039899 ,61.42110,-149.96670, 29 Dec 2020 07:29 GMT: Mag 1.4, Matanuska-Susitna County, Alaska, USA ,html, quakes-3-24.png ,12,12,6,6,122]);
Data for the same earthquake reported by different agencies