, Feb 17 (IANS) A red trolley bag containing Rs 1.4 crore was found in the Swatantrata Sangram Senani Special train that was on its way to Jayanagar in Bihar from Delhi.The bag was found lying in the pantry car and when it reached Kanpur on .
Unclaimed Bag Containing Rs 1.4 Cr Cash Found On Swatantrata Sangram Senani Express
The cash has been handed over to the Government Railway Police and the matter is being investigated, officials said PTI File Photo Outlook Web Bureau 2021-02-17T15:12:32+05:30 Unclaimed Bag Containing Rs 1.4 Cr Cash Found On Swatantrata Sangram Senani Express outlookindia.com 2021-02-17T15:54:34+05:30
Railway staff found an unclaimed bag containing cash worth Rs 1.4 crore on board the Swatantrata Sangram Senani special train, officials said on Wednesday.
The recovery was made on Tuesday when the train’s pantry staff spotted a red trolley-bag while the train was on its way to Jaynagar in Bihar from Delhi, said Railway s Deputy Chief Traffic Manager, Himanshu Shekhar.