Welp. [Long whistle.] We just endured one helluva year, friends.
We got by with a little help from our books.
Stories. Words. Escape into our own imagination, far from the grotesque burning landscape that was 2020.
And it shows in the numbers of this year s Century Club.
Eight years ago, I first challenged SouthCoast BookLovers to read 100 books in a year to make my BookLovers Century Club. Reading 25-49 books would qualify you for the Quarter-Century Club, and 50-99 books, the Half-Century Club. (Yes, audiobooks count.)
Each year, for eight years, this club all three tiers has grown in number and spirit. We are the Biggest Reading Club in SouthCoast. And damn, do we have Heart.
As cultural festivals go digital, organisers aim for global reach, hybrid online-offline presence in future Migrating online for an event anywhere in the world now allows for more experts to be roped in for a global audience. However, the constant challenge for everyone is to stay ahead of the curve, make formats interesting, and program in-depth interactions that are as personal as possible. Ruth Dsouza Prabhu December 10, 2020 09:43:11 IST After 10 on-ground editions, Bacardi NH7 Weekender has gone digital this year. Facebook/nh7weekender
If there is one thing that the pandemic has forced each of us to do, it is to adapt. We find ourselves doing a lot of what we have done earlier, but with a different approach. Take the wide range of cultural festivals we have been regularly attending. Not surprisingly, many of them have migrated online this year, like t