MOUNDSVILLE Staar Surgical Company is suing Anwar Cataract Center alleging it failed to pay for goods provided.
Staar Surgical Company entered into an agreement with Anwar in 1999 in which Anwar would purchase any intaocular lens once it was removed from storage, according to a complaint filed in Marshall Circuit Court.
Staar claims the defendant ordered goods from them, but has failed and refused to pay for them.
The defendant owes $11,050.96, along with interest in the amount of $2,647.71.
Staar claims the defendant accepted the goods, did not reject the goods, but then refused to pay for them. Once purchased, the terms and conditions that appeared on the back of the invoices were in effect in addition to the terms and conditions of the agreement, the complaint states.
It s all about planting just one seed of reasonable doubt.
That’s what attorneys for former Brevard County Sheriff’s Deputy Yousef Hafza hope to sow in the mind of one of the six jurors this week during the 37-year-old man’s second-degree murder trial for the Father’s Day shooting death of 25-year-old Clarence Howard during a road rage incident while Hafza was off-duty.
Perhaps reasonable doubt was planted when Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Major Alex Herrera testified, after being called for the defense Thursday, that deputies – whether on-duty of off – can use deadly force in response to a perceived deadly threat regardless of whether the other person is actually armed.
A Florida man was charged with killing his estranged wife after months of trying to throw off people looking for her.
David Anthony, the suspect, managed to mislead people by sending texts from her phone saying she was in the hospital with COVID-19.
Antony has pleaded guilty murdering his wife, Gretchen Anthon, and told police where they could find his wife s remains, according to a People report.
Palm Beach State Attorney Dave Aronberg said during a news conference after Gretchen s body was recovered that her family wanted a proper memorial and burial.
Jupiter Police Chief Daniel Kerr said that they hope this will bring closure to the family now that Gretchen has been located.
A woman accused of child abuse has pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Samantha D. Hall, 31, of Somerset, was arraigned in Pulaski Circuit Court Thursday after being indicted by the local grand jury earlier this month on one count of first-degree Criminal Abuse (child 12 or under).
The indictment stems from a November 15 incident investigated by the Kentucky State Police. No details were available at press time.
Hall is currently free on a $5,000 cash bond. Her next hearing, a pretrial conference, has been scheduled on January 21 before Circuit Judge Jeffrey Burdette. ; var element = document.getElementById( sub message ); element.appendChild(subMessage);