The American Jobs Plan Takes Next, but not Last, Step on Clean Energy
President Biden s American Jobs Plan takes a big step forward on the path to a clean energy future. But we ll need more to complete the journey.
The American Jobs Plan Takes Next, but not Last, Step on Clean Energy
Sam Gomberg, senior energy analyst | April 1, 2021, 2:03 pm EDT This post is a part of a series on
President Biden’s new American Jobs Plan includes spending proposal on a wide range of infrastructure needs across the nation, many of them critically overdue. Eliminating the dangers of lead water pipes, repairing crumbling roads and bridges, and building the resilience of our communities to the myriad threats they face. It also includes a long overdue and critical down payment on our clean energy future. Combined with President Biden’s new push to develop the nation’s offshore wind resources thi
An oil refinery stands in the background as children play on a basketball court in Port Arthur, Texas, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017. AP Photo/David Goldman
With New FERC Office of Public Participation, You Can Help Shape Energy in Your Community
Mike Jacobs, Senior energy analyst | March 2, 2021, 12:24 pm EDT This post is a part of a series on
Gather in and read the news! Prepare yourselves for sights never before seen!
Ok, I’m no carnival sideshow barker, but this also isn’t a sideshow. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is creating an Office of Public Participation after 35 years of dodging the issue. This truly is a once in a lifetime chance for reform in a very important government agency.