The Wilson Street Bridge is in need of repair, but it could be costly.
The situation was among topics discussed at council’s first meeting of 2021 this week.
The Wilson Street bridge over Pfotus Run has been deemed “poorly rated” and in need of replacement by Lycoming County, according to borough Manager Cody Hoover.
The bridge basically needs ripped out and replaced, beams, abutments and all.
It is located near Councilwoman Janet Barnhart’s home.
Council has approved a new bridge design, though Barnhart abstained because of the project’s impact on her property.
The project is not out for bid yet.
The Wilson Street bridge is in need of repair, but it could be costly.
The situation was among topics discussed at council’s first meeting of 2021 this week.
The Wilson Street bridge over Pfotus Run has been deemed “poorly rated” and in need of replacement by Lycoming County, according to borough manager Cody Hoover.
The bridge basically needs ripped out and replaced … beams, abutments and all, he said.
Council approved a new bridge design, with Councilwoman Janet Barnhart abstaining because because of the project’s impact on her property adjacent to the bridge.
The project is not out for bid yet.
JERSEY SHORE Property taxes in the Jersey Shore Borough will not increase in 2021.
Borough Council this week unanimously approved a 2021 budget that keeps the tax rate the same and balances expenses and income at $1,836,380.
Moreover, council authorized the police commission to continue investigating further regionalization services of the Tiadaghton Valley Regional Police Force.
Meeting by Zoom, Cody Hoover, borough manager, said the general purpose tax rate has not changed from 8.966 mills and disclosed that if a borough resident has a property assessed at $100,000, he or she pays $896.60 in property taxes.
Also with council’s approval, Hoover was granted a pay raise from $55,000 to $65,000, an 18 percent increase.
JERSEY SHORE The Jersey Shore Borough Council unanimously approved the 2021 budget, which includes no tax increase and is balanced in expenditures and revenue at $1,836,380.58, and authorized the police commission to continue investigating regionalization via Zoom earlier this week.
Cody Hoover, borough manager, said that the general purpose tax rate has not changed from 8.966 mills, noting that if a borough resident has a property assessed at $100,000 they would pay $896.60 in property taxes.
In this budget, the borough increased the amount they give to the public library from $7,000 to $7,500 and increased the borough manager salary from $55,000 to $60,000.
Hoover also said that there are no plans for large projects in 2021.