Retail Gets Real episode 211: Reinventing experiential retail Nkongho Beteck
March 16, 2021
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Mall of America has been a quintessential hub for dining, entertainment, hospitality and a driver of tourism in Minnesota for almost 30 years. The coronavirus led the mall to lean on essential retail during the early days of closing as leadership was tasked with conceptualizing experiential retail in the age of COVID-19. As many couldn’t travel, the mall became hyper-focused on its neighboring community and engaging the local market.
Jill Renslow, executive vice president of business development and marketing at Mall of America, says one of the biggest challenges leadership faced early on was communicating new safety protocols like social distancing and mask mandates, as well as ensuring staff were properly educated on updates as they occurred.
Giving leaders room to grow
Retail Gets Real episode 209: Best Buy’s commitment to equal representation across the company Nkongho Beteck
March 2, 2021
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Civil unrest comprised of protests against systemic racism over the last year has led to a movement among corporate America. Retailers are among those beginning to have conversations about uncomfortable issues, relying on action as accountability.
Mark Irvin is the chief inclusion, diversity and talent officer at Best Buy, where he leads the retailer’s vision of equal representation at all levels of the company.
With a background in the military, Irvin was prepared for a role focused on understanding teams, removing obstacles and creating an experience where people can be their absolute best.
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Each January, for over one hundred years, the National Retail Federation has brought together the retail community for an event full of learning and networking. We call it Retail’s Big Show, and this year, we’re doing it twice. Our virtual event, NRF 2021 Retail’s Big Show – Chapter 1, starts January 12, and we’ll be convening back in New York in June for Chapter 2. NRF’s Vice President of Content and Retail Strategy Jill Dvorak joins the podcast this week to talk about what we’re hearing from retail leaders across the country and why this is going to be a Retail’s Big Show like none other.