ERVING Streetlights in Erving Center that have long been malfunctioning were partially repaired during a recent survey of wiring, and might be totally repaired in a few more weeks, depending on the extent of the problems.The lights on Main Street.
ATHOL In boxing, a “no decision” means no one wins and no one loses. In deliberations on town meeting warrant articles, a “no decision” means “we’ll see when we get there.” At its meeting Monday night, the Finance and Warrant Advisory Committee.
Extra ACES money may go to Town Hall roof
Closeup of deterioration inside the clock tower on the Athol Town Hall. Money left over from building the Athol Community Elementary School could be used to repair the roof and cupola. Staff Photo/Greg Vine
Published: 5/25/2021 1:59:14 PM
Modified: 5/25/2021 1:59:13 PM
ATHOL It’s rare that a big public construction project comes in on schedule and under budget, but such is the case with the construction of the new Athol Community Elementary School (ACES). Now, town officials would like to use some of the cash borrowed to build the school to undertake repairs to the roof of Town Hall.