Motherson Sumi Systems jumped 8.12% to Rs 193.75 after the company s consolidated net profit surged 194% to Rs 798 crore on 15% rise in revenue from operations to Rs 17,923 crore in Q3 FY21 over Q3 FY20.The company said it posted a highest ever quarterly revenue operations normalised, with most facilities running at pre-covid levels. Indications of positive consumer sentiments reflected by increased demand globally. Sustained improvements in performance of Greenfield plants with a continued focus on cost reduction and efficiency improvements.
Consolidated profit before tax (PBT) (before exceptional items) jumped 166% to Rs 1,175 crore in Q3 FY21 from Rs 441 crore in Q3 FY20. The company received a tax rebate of Rs 109.22 crore in Q3 FY21 as compared to tax expense of Rs 96.76 crore in Q3 FY20.