July 26, 2021 9:43
Media industry body Think News Brands has released further findings from its Benchmark Series regarding the impact of advertising within news content.
The study aims to understand the impact news platforms have along the path to purchase by measuring key metrics across short-and long-term memory as well as brand lift.
Overseen by Dr Duane Varan, CEO of audience research lab MediaScience, the study included more than 5,350 participants and ran across 42 print runs and 252 websites which together created 6,037 unique brand exposures.
The latest findings of the research found that quarter, half and full-page print ads in printed newspapers outperformed Facebook ads of all types by up to four times.
EMMA ditched, Roy Morgan returns in industry measurement shake-up
April 22, 2021 10:44
Media industry alliance, Think News Brands, will cease to use its measurement platform, Enhanced Media Metrics Australia (EMMA), in favour of Roy Morgan’s ‘Total News’ metric from 1 July.
The organisation said this move comes after it “listened to the industry and acknowledged the need to implement a single unified readership metric for total news, produced by one entity rather than with multiple data sources”.
EMMA was founded prior to its implementation as the measurement metric by The Readership Works, using print readership data from Ipsos and Nielson for its monthly digital datings. It replaced Roy Morgan as the measurement body for the news industry some eight years ago. In July 2020, The Readership Works put the call out for expressions of tender for EMMA.