Sturgis city manager Michael Hughes on Wednesday presented a proposal to offer a utilities-payment ”round-up" to support Sturgis Area Community Foundation.
From staff reports
Longtime Sturgis educator Laura Penner has been selected to receive the John Oster Memorial Award for Excellence in teaching.
The award is given annually to an educator who is nominated by community members based on a dedication to professional development, community service and teaching.
Penner is an alumna of Sturgis High School and of Western Michigan University, where she earned a master’s degree in education.
She has been an exemplary teacher with Sturgis Public Schools since 1997 and is known for her genuine care and dedication to her students, award organizers said.
Penner has served as a coach to the Sturgis High School swimming team and leader to the high school’s Business Professionals of America program for more than 20 years.
After a decade, the Sturgis High School “Grad Bash” is making a comeback.
Emily Landess and Tony Percival, with the help of residents, businesses and organizations, hope to give the graduating class of 2021 a safe, memorable event.
A plan to revive Grad Bash has been in the works for the past few years. Landess and Percival said 2021 is an appropriate time to relaunch.
“Our juniors and seniors have lost so much over the past couple years, we believe this is a good opportunity to give them something,” Percival said.
The goal is to regain the sense of community associated with the previous Grad Bash events, Percival said.
Sturgis Journal
Pat Arseneau, known locally for many reasons including being a teacher, friend, artisan, neighbor, father and husband, passed away April 11 from pancreatic cancer.
His death left a void in the community, especially evident at Open Door Gallery, where he and his wife, Liz, spent countless hours volunteering and contributing artwork.
Open Door Gallery has set up a Patrick Arseneau Memorial Fund through Sturgis Area Community Foundation. It’s a general charitable fund, said Lindsay Richardson, SACF director.
“My favorite kind of fund,” she said.
It is not targeted for a specific purpose, so grants from the fund may go to the greatest need in the community. To build up the fund, SACF is accepting donations, which may be given through the foundation s online giving page.