Tanya executes the Devil’s Protocol.
Creative Staff
Translation/Adaptation: Emily Balistrieri
What They Say
When the Republican Army, led by Lieutenant Colonel Vianto, attacks the imperial supply base of Arene, the Empire’s top brass orders the 203rd to carry out an operation that Tanya herself proposed back in war college the “Devil’s Protocol.” But what exactly are the fearsome contents of this ominously named plan…?
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
Volume 13 opens with a brief chapter that wraps up the “shovel raid” arc. Although there’s not much action, it’s full of character development, especially for Lieutenant Grantz. I appreciate how the pages show him digesting the previous night’s events and the veterans’ appraisal of their newbies. These elements, which were glossed over in the novel and totally absent in the anime, do a terrific job of further endearing our characters before we move on to the nex
The baptism of new recruits on the front line!
Creative Staff
Translation/Adaptation: Emily Balistrieri
What They Say
After a successful exercise with the Norther Sea Fleet, Tanya leads her battalion to the nostalgic, blood-soaked skies of the Rhine front lines for another mission…Only this time, the mission includes babysitting new recruits?!
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
It’s been a while but Tanya returns to the Rhine front, this time with her elite battalion. The narrative’s mostly dealt with ocean battles of late, so to reintroduce the world of trench warfare, Tojo-sensei skillfully brings us back to that battleground alongside new recruits. We get a quick glimpse of Lieutenant Grantz and his fellow rookie mages leaving civilian life, and then the focus shifts to a group of footsoldier newbies following the vets for their first taste of combat.