Independent schools record a 98% pass rate Updated
Jacaranda FM
The Independent
Examination Boardcreleased the 2020 matric results on
Friday, which show that the pass rate is slightly lower than the
2019 pass rate of 98.82%.
Learners who were
registered for full-time study accounted for 12 024, while part-time
learners accounted for 1 139.
IEB further reports
that 88.42% of the cohort achieved
entry to degree to study at universities, 8.14%
qualified for entry into diploma study, while 1.51% achieved entry at the
Higher Certificate level.
The 2020 IEB results
come after a challenging academic year for learners across the country as a
result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
CEO of the Independent Examinations Board, Anne Oberholzer, says