Dragon Ball Super Introduces a New Eternal Dragon
Dragon Ball fans might say the series doesn t focus enough on its wish-granting relics, but the franchise is hoping to change that soon enough. After all, the manga just went live with a new chapter this month, and it brought the Dragon Balls into the limelight. Not only have a new set of balls appeared, but there is a new dragon overseeing the precious relics. And as it turns out, this new wish-granting serpent is unlike any we have seen before.
Dragon Ball Super made the big revelation when its most recent release went live. Chapter 69 took fans everywhere by surprise as the meaty update shed some big secrets. There is a new Namekian in town, and Beerus made a stunning revelation about himself and Freeza which no one saw coming. And now, there is also a new dragon named Toronbo to contend with.