Seattle Lutheran invites you back into the building to tour our facility, learn about our academic and extracurricular programs and what it means to be a SAINT! Tours begin at 9 am in 40 minute increments, facilitated by our Admissions Director. Covid-19 screening of all attendees is required as well as masks. All attendees must register in order to attend.
LG March 2, 2021 (10:14 pm)
Sure. Rub it in. :) Seriously though, happy to see this. Wish SPA had the capability of reopening.
Smittytheclown March 3, 2021 (5:37 am)
I’d love to see statistics on private/Catholic school enrollments. Must be skyrocketing. Good for them. Trust the science.
skeeter March 3, 2021 (9:38 am)
It’s good that students are able to safely return to the
classroom where they can better learn.
But I can’t be alone in seeing the unfairness. Private schools return to in person learning
while public schools remain remote.
Until poor children have the same educational opportunities as wealthier
children we’re going to see continued inequality.