The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) is supportive of a position where hospitals are allowed to continue some of their elective services in.
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College of Surgeons launches program for Indigenous surgeons
The program aims to reduce the professional health workforce inequity faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia.
While there are over 83,000 doctors registered to practice in Australia, fewer than 400 are Indigenous. This is despite over 760,000 people in Australia identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
“In Australia and New Zealand we have a severe shortage of Indigenous surgeons and we need to do everything we can to change this disproportionate under-representation,” said Dr Sally Langley, RACS President.
“The College is committed to addressing this health discrepancy and the program will support this by encouraging and actively recruiting medical students and recent graduates into surgery.”
The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) Council yesterday voted in Dr Sally Langley as the College's next President and Dr Lawrence (Lawrie).