[Photo: courtesy of Hello Sunshine]
Actress and Hello Sunshine founder Reese Witherspoon is seeking to broaden the reach of her popular book club, built largely on Instagram, with a new mobile app that will allow in-app purchases of books and exclusive merchandise.
“We got asked two things all the time. One, how do I join Reese’s Book Club? And we said, follow us on Instagram,” Sarah Harden, Hello Sunshine CEO, tells
Fast Company. “The other question was, can you send books to me every month?”
[Photo: courtesy of Hello Sunshine]The free app, which launches today, addresses both issues. Hello Sunshine can forge a deep relationship with readers via the app, and through the platform users will be able to search for Witherspoon’s recommendations, more easily buy books from their favorite retailers, and, eventually, purchase exclusive items. (All Hello Sunshine profits from sales will support The Readership, a new company ini
Bringing on the new year with new energy
Despite the hardships from last year, 2021 promises more positive energy into students’ lives as many have self-improvement goals. Photo by Matt Siciliano-Salazar | The Signal
With 2021 making its grand entrance, many hope this year will be better than the last one. As students embark on a new semester and year, they are bringing a new attitude with them.
For some students, 2020 was a year of growth, while others viewed the year as a lesson to do better as a people.
After witnessing the consequences of the global pandemic, sophomore Jaylah Dorsey hopes that in 2021 humanity will have a change of heart.