Cincinnati Magazine
spiritual energy or, perhaps,
true nature. That means reiki practioners focus on uncovering their own spirutual energy. It’s about developing mental and spiritual focus through the use of meditations and hands-on healing techniques. Maria Kammerer discovered reiki (pronounced RAY-kee) in 2000, when she was in search of something to ease the stress of life. Today, she owns Attune: The Art of Reiki, a Walnut Hills office where she provides this healing practice.
Maria Kammerer
In Search of Healing
At the turn of the century, Kammerer had a baby and a toddler. She was newly married, working on her degree at Northern Kentucky Unviersity, and participating in a leadership, community building, and diversity training program called Public Allies through AmeriCorps. She had chronic pain, too, in the form of carpal tunnel syndrome, plus daily backaches and headaches.
LISA KRISTOFF Sat, 02/06/2021 - 8:00am
Reiki (ray-key) written in Japanese. The first symbol, Rei, means spiritual energy; the second symbol, “ki” means energy. Lisa Kristoff materials
The breakdown in general terms. Lisa Kristoff materials
“Our Reiki Ryoho (healing) is something absolutely original and cannot be compared with any other path in the world. This is why I want to make this method available to the public for the well-being of humanity. Each of us has the potential of being given a gift by the divine, which results in the body and the soul becoming unified,” Dr. Mikao Usui said in “Sacred Path of Reiki,” by author and Reiki Master Katalin Koda.