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More travel executives get their mission-critical industry news from Skift than any other source on the planet.Tell me more
Caesars Entertainment is the latest hospitality company to wage a legal fight against its insurer to get a business interruption insurance payout due to government-ordered pandemic restrictions.
Based on legal precedent over the last year, the gaming company may not want to waste its time nor its law firm’s billable hours.
“It was an uphill battle to begin with, and the courts have not sided with the policyholders,” said Joshua Bowman, a partner at Boston-based law firm Sherin and Lodgen and chair of the firm’s hospitality practice. “It’s highly unlikely they will side with many policyholders going forward.”
Stefan Zaklin/Getty Images
Film, television and sports groups including SAG-AFTRA, the DGA and Producers Guild additionally asked Senators for direct intervention in the form of temporary federal funds on Friday.
A coalition of industry guilds and organizations is again calling on U.S. legislators to implement accessible pandemic risk insurance coverage as COVID-19 continues to disrupt Hollywood production. As you develop the agenda for the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs for this year, the film, TV, and sports industries respectfully request that you address the broad economic impact that the withdrawal of pandemic risk coverage has created for our businesses, a group of film, television and sports groups (including The Motion Picture Association, the Independent Film & Television Alliance, the NCTA – The Internet & Television Association, the Directors Guild of America, the National Association of Broadcasters, IATSE, the Producers Guild of Americ