On Earth Day, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, upper right, introduced the Community Solar Consumer Choice Act of 2021 that helps expand solar energy, with a focus on helping low-income families.
On Earth Day, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor introduced the Community Solar Consumer Choice Act of 2021, that helps expand solar energy, with a focus on helping low-income families.
Rep. Castor, D-Tampa, held a news conference on the
It would require the Secretary of Energy to establish a program to increase participation in community solar, with an emphasis on serving low-income communities.
Castor is chair of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. She said we have to act now to avoid the consequences of a warming planet.
[Source Photo: NicoElNino/iStock, NASA]
By KIRAN BHATRAJU 3 minute Read
For most of us living in the U.S., the only way to directly support new clean energy is to put solar panels on our rooftops.
But what if you rent your house, or can’t afford to buy or finance panels, or have a shady rooftop that isn’t a good fit for solar? These problems add up to a huge gap in access: Almost two-thirds of Americans, or 85 million households, fall into one of these categories.
The solution is community solar, which allows anyone to directly support a new solar project in their community and get cheaper, cleaner energy at home. Instead of installing panels on your roof, you subscribe to a solar farm in your area for free. As the solar farm generates energy, you earn savings on your power bill and more clean energy is added to your local community.