US suffers weekend shooting spree
USA (MNN) Last Friday, a shooter
killed eight people in an Indianapolis FedEx facility. Over the weekend, six more shootings in six different states rocked the country. Read more about the shootings
Rampant gun violence isn’t a new problem for the U.S. Each shooting has unique circumstances and causes. But Sammy Tippit of
can do. “I just see a lot of anger, and it’s erupting across the nation. And you know, it’s not in one location, but it’s nationwide, there’s something that has happened. So I think Christians need to take the lead and saying, Hey, I’m going to be a peacemaker. We need to do what the scripture says, to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. And that’s a renewal, a revival of our heart of our mind about thinking.”
Sammy Tippit Ministries creating new app
International (MNN) Sammy Tippit Ministries is creating its own app, which will be available in 15 languages.
Sammy Tippit says, “Several years ago, I had a Romanian Christian leader and an Iranian Christian leader ask me to develop apps for their language group, something to disciple people. Because they have people who are scattered all over the world and refugees in the diaspora. They needed something that could help them to grow in Christ no matter where they were and that would go across borders.”
The English app will launch first, coming sometime later this year. Languages like Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese, and Farsi will follow.
Are We on the Verge of a Worldwide Revival?
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 @ 10:50 AM
Fourteen years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. The doctor ordered three months of rest following my surgery. The future seemed very unclear, and darkness attempted to fill my spirit. Yet, those months of suffering became the source of the greatest revival of my Christian life. I discovered that where great sorrow lives, God’s amazing grace also abides.
God met me at the point of my pain, revived my spirit, and thrust me into a harvest that I never dreamed possible. And I’m convinced that what transpired in my life is possible on a macro scale around the world.