After Roxy was diagnosed in 2016 she endured a six-week radiation program in August of that year before she underwent partial removal surgery.
She told The Daily Telegraph at the time she had been forced to take the preventative cancer pills after her chances of relapsing were found to be high. Cancer seems so long ago for me - 5 years in fact! Today back at St Vincent s Hospital making sure all is going well, she wrote I did a test in the US which gives you a percentage [chance] of the cancer coming back and it was a bit higher than the oncologist would have liked, Roxy said, adding she will be taking the pills for the next decade.
You can feel it in the air already - the wind is crisper, the ‘big coat’ you never dreamt of wearing two weeks ago is suddenly making an every day appearance, and it’s dark before you’ve even clocked off from work.
Yes, it’s fair to say that summer has certainly come to an end. But before you wipe a tear from your eyes as you bid farewell to your bikini, remember that May is going to be one hell of a month rain or shine - and here’s why.
Not only is there an epic new reality show on hayu for you to cuddle up to on the sofa, but Mother’s Day is just around the corner and there s a string of exciting things to do with your loved ones.
The Academy Award winner then shared the red carpet with Drag Queen Philma Box.
She looked sensational in a blue and white dress with ruffles in the lower portion, and a statement headpiece and wig inspired by the Sydney Opera House.
Wow! The 45-year-old didn t shy away from putting on a dapper display as he arrived at the Sydney Opera House for the event, hosted by Stan
Stunner: He looked handsome in a teal suit with a white patterned shirt and black tie, which he teamed with a purple pocket square for a pop of colour
Star! The Academy Award winner shared the red carpet with Drag Queen Philma Box (left)