Jamshedpur Police arrested two persons on Tuesday involved in the gun attack on the owner of Chandra Jewellers Ganesh Chandra, one of them being the victim’s son-in-law.
Those arrested were identified as Rajkumar Patro (25) and Raghunath Manna (19), both residents of Uliyan in Kadma, where the attack took place on February 13 night. Rajkumar is the son-in-law of Chandra.
Senior SP M Tamil Vanan said Rajkumar and Raghunath were nabbed from near the Tatanagar station area, while they were riding a bike on Tuesday morning.
Revealing details, Vanan said that Rajkumar, who worked as an electrician, married the jeweller’s 19-year-old daughter Ayushi Chandra following an affair between them a year ago.