Actress Alia Bhatt began her Wednesday by paying a visit to beau Ranbir Kapoor s under-construction house Krishna Raj with his mother Neetu Kapoor. After inspecting, Alia bid a warm goodbye to Neetu and was spotted hugging her before leaving the construction site. The Gangubai Kathiawadi actress has been spotted several times prior to this with Neetu and Ranbir at the construction site at Krishna Raj, the under-renovation house of the Shamshera actor. Once again, she made her way there with Neetu and was clicked by photographers.
On Wednesday, Alia was snapped by the paparazzi while she left the bungalow after inspecting it with Neetu. In the video, we can see Alia hugging Neetu and then walking towards the gate. In the photos, we can see the Gully Boy actress clad in an ethnic look for the day. Alia is seen sporting a kurta set with heels in the photos. As she walked out, she greeted the paparazzi from a distance. She is seen sporting a pink mask in
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