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Lincoln Haines was one of the more than 20 kids who came out Monday at the Telstar track despite the less the ideal weather conditions.
Photo courtesy of Mary Scanlon.
BETHEL Heavy rain did little to deter the more than 20 kids who turned out for the inaugural day of the Bethel Rec Youth Track and Field Program Monday morning. The hour and a half long program, which will run the next five weeks on Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 8:30 a.m., is all about getting kids outside and active and teaching them some of the fundamentals of track and field, an activity Bethel Rec Director Mary Scanlon thinks is gaining popularity in many Maine communities.
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REGION SAD 44 Board member Stephanie Herbeck started Monday’s meeting by sharing her thoughts on a project done by the Telstar eighth grade communications class called “Person Behind The Mask.”
Dean of Students Lindsay Luetje and School Counselor Stephanie Mastroianni oversaw the effort and two eighth graders, Maylyn Hastings and Angelica Hart, lead the presentation, which was seen by Herbeck via Zoom.
“COVID-19 has changed the way school feels,” Herbeck said. “Getting to know each other is tough, it’s hard to connect, it’s hard to get to know someone with these masks on.
With the students realizing the impact mask wearing has had on meeting or interacting with other classmates, they came up with their idea of the “Person Behind The Mask.”