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Better, faster, smarter crop variety data for nation’s grain growers The five-year INVITA investment will deliver improved predictors of variety performance, quicker access to trial data for growers, better monitoring of trial quality and variety responses to environmental stresses – underpinning greater grower profitability. Photo: The University of Queensland
Australian grain growers are set to get better crop variety recommendations faster through a major Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) international collaborative investment.
The $5.39 million five-year INVITA (Innovations in Variety Testing in Australia) investment will deliver improved predictors of variety performance, quicker access to trial data for growers, better monitoring of trial quality and variety responses to environmental stresses – underpinning greater grower profitability.
Fruit fly on SA shelves sent from Victoria a wake-up call for stone fruit industry
TueTuesday 23
Investigations are underway into how the fruit slipped through biosecurity checks.
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The stone fruit industry says the detection on South Australian shelves of fruit fly in nectarines and peaches transported from Victoria is a failure of both states biosecurity systems.
Key points:
The potential failure in biosecurity is considered a wake-up call for the industry
Pest-free status already in spotlight with several fruit fly outbreaks
Summerfruit Australia chief executive Trevor Ranford said the fruit was found by consumers at Aldi, Coles, Woolworths and a produce market who then reported seeing larvae crawling inside.