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South Australian Skills Commissioner appointed
The Marshall Liberal Government has today announced Ms Renee Hindmarsh will be the state’s first South Australian Skills Commissioner.
Ms Hindmarsh will take a leading role in shaping further reform of South Australia’s skills training system through her leadership of both the South Australian Skills Commission and Industry Skills
“The appointment of Ms Hindmarsh as Skills Commissioner is the latest step in the Marshall Liberal Government’s reform of skills training to deliver new and growing employment opportunities for
South Australians,” said Minister for Innovation and Skills David Pisoni.
“It is critical that the skills training we provide meets the needs of the businesses and industries that underpin the South Australian economy and the jobs they create.
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SA Leads Nation With AstraZeneca Vaccine
At the vanguard of the national vaccination program, Australia’s first AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines are being administered to regional frontline healthcare workers at Murray Bridge Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital today.
Premier Steven Marshall said more than 40 frontline staff from the Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network are expected to receive the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine on the first day they are rolled out in Australia.
“South Australia’s COVID-19 response to the pandemic has been world-leading and today we will mark another milestone administering the nation’s first Astra Zeneca vaccine in Murray Bridge,” Premier Marshall said.
Industry consultation over an Electric Vehicle Road User Charge in South Australia will begin this week, as the State Government has announced it plans.
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People with disability to have a greater say over restrictive practices
South Australians living with disability will be better protected and have a greater say under new laws that provide extra safeguards on the use of restrictive practices.
Minister for Human Services Michelle Lensink will introduce legislation to the Parliament this week to establish a new authorisation regime that ensures restrictive practices are used only as a last resort and in consultation with the person with disability or their guardian.
“This legislation strengthens protections for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants of all ages and gives people with disability a stronger voice about how they are safely supported,” said Minister Lensink.