The alley between Eighth and Ninth Streets in the Central Neighborhood has been transformed into something out of a fairy tale. Thousands of brightly-colored lights and lawn ornaments hang from roof gables and ropes ― a set of chimes mounted on the side of a garage rings out traditional carols.
Vince Cornelier is standing outside his garage, ringing a bell next to a red Salvation army kettle.
“What we’ve decided to do is to collect funds for the Salvation Army,” he says. “Because with the masks and everything, it is hard to come up on people when you are coming out of the store, and so this seemed like a good thing to try, and it seems to be working out.”
Listeners chose a variety of sacred and secular Christmas favorites, plus music about snow and winter.
All of this week s requests are available below.
You can also listen to all or part of this week s episode on demand.
To make a request for next Saturday s show, email or leave a message on our Music by Request line at (231) 276-4422.
Ana de Mendoza de la Cerda y de Silva Cifuentes, Princess of Eboli
This week s program featured lots of music for the Christmas season, from J. S. Bach s Christmas Oratorio to Vince Guaraldi s music for A Charlie Brown Christmas to seasonal favorites performed by Canadian Brass.
We also heard a chorus from Beethoven s Fidelio and a quartet from Verdi s Don Carlos.
See all of this week s requests below. You can also listen to all or part of this week s episode on demand.
To make a request for next Saturday s show, email or leave a message on our Music by Request line at (231) 276-4422. Please submit requests by Wednesday, December 16.