Almost 40% of sewerage schemes in Kerry are overloaded.That s according to Colm Mangan, Water Services Engineer at Kerry County Council.Mr Mangan was speaking a.
Low water pressure due to outdated water pipes in Brewsterfield and Knockanes in Killarney is having an impact on homes and farms as residents struggle to have enough water for basic needs.
Though plans to replace the pipes were a priority back in 2007 now Irish Water have no plans to carry out works in this area leaving residents with intermittent water supply.
Despite pleas by the local school, Knockanes, where sinks and toilets do not always function due to the poor water supply, and from local farmers who do not have water supply for animals, Irish Water will not be undertaking works to improve the situation any time soon. However, Kerry County Council said they would carry out interim works to help improve the situation including a pump close to Doherty s.