Fort Smith Times Record
The Fort Smith Utility Department will adjust February water bills for customers whose pipes busted during the winter storm.
Customers whose pipes busted are asked to show the utility department plumbing receipts. Their water bills will then be adjusted down to their six-month average.
The utility department may be reached at (479) 784-2262.
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Fort Smith Times Record
Fort Smith has received 3-5 inches of snowfall throughout the city and could get up to 11 more inches through Thursday. The temperature in the city was at 4 degrees at 7:59 a.m. Monday and is forecast to drop to -3 degrees on Tuesday morning.
The National Weather Service forecasts a second snowstorm will begin after midnight Tuesday and taper off Thursday morning, bringing 8-11 inches of snow. It will not begin to melt at least until Friday, which is the first forecast day with temps above freezing.
NWS Meteorologist Tyler Snider said roads will hopefully be drivable by the weekend. But the snow could stay at least another week after Friday due to the snowpack affecting high temperatures in the 40s or 50s.