Marco Eagle
Collier County commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to award a $1.38 million construction contract to replace the Caxambas Park community center building on Marco Island.
The construction will be funded through the Parks and Recreation Department s incorporated area impact fee fund, according to a county executive summary. The county collects impact fees before authorizing the use of public facilities to help offset the impacts of new capital improvement projects.
The one-story, 2,900-square-foot building will include a meeting and training room, restrooms, a small break room, and a few offices, according to the summary. The project covers reconfiguring the parking layout and updating the landscaping.
WINDSOR, ONT. A general contractor has been selected to transform the law facility at the University of Windsor. University of Windsor Faculty of Law Dean Christopher Waters announced EllisDon Corportation and Fortis Construction Group as the successful bidders to lead the Ron W. Ianni law building renovation project Monday. “We look forward to working with them,” Waters said in a news release. “They are mobilizing this month for a January 2021 start to construction.” The contractors selected have worked with the University of Windsor before and are currently the general contractor for the Lancer Centre. There has already been $5.3 million raised toward the project. The school has a fundraising target of $6 million, which it says is still an “achievable goal, despite the pandemic.”
Construction fence wen up Monday around the Law Building.
Construction is about to get underway on the University of Windsor Law Building transformation now that General Contractors have been selected.
The University says that following a thorough procurement process, the joint venture of EllisDon Corporation and Fortis Construction Group has been selected to lead the construction of the Transforming Windsor Law building project.
The contractors are currently the General Contractor for the Lancer Centre.
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“We look forward to working with them,” says Windsor Law Dean Christopher Waters. “They are mobilizing this month for a January 2021 start to construction.”
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The University of Windsor has selected a lead contractor team to complete its planned $30-million renovation of the Ron W. Ianni law building.
Construction will get underway next month and be led by the tandem of EllisDon Corporation and Fortis Construction Group. Extensive upgrades to the law building are expected to take up to two years to complete.
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The contractors are the same team currently leading construction of the University of Windsor’s new Lancer Centre.